Every once in a while, our fast food chains come up with some decadent menu item to make everyone in this food crazed nation go insane.
But wait–Shi Min, this is not a food blog–it’s supposed to be about books, writing, and inspiring young people to write. Why are you writing a KFC Mozzarella Burger review?
I don’t know. I guess it’s because it’s my blog and I can do whatever I want. I have also had experience as a food writer, so there is that.
Anyway, like every new novelty offered by a fast food chain, it’s… terrible.
It just is. It’s just a glorified zinger burger with a cheese patty inside. Sure, you can stretch the cheese and make it ooze out, but taste wise, it’s meh. It tastes like a less spicy zinger burger shoddily put together with some shredded lettuce and bread that can barely cover the burger. The taste of the cheese is non-existent, and globs of it get stuck in your throat, making it an unpleasant experience.
Because I don’t believe in photographing food prettily anymore, here’s a no-fuss picture taken with my phone:
It’s just meh. But hey, Singaporeans love anything that looks decadent — anything salted egg, anything with melty cheese (read: see the numerous videos of people pouring raclette cheese onto their fries). Although I can easily google for the poster at the bus stop and do a side-by-side comparison, I wouldn’t — food styling and actual food is very different, as, in the former, the ingredients used are modified to make it look appetising.
But I digress. This burger is nearly devoid of any kind of taste, and not worth the money. Truly, it is a marketing gimmick designed to get Singaporeans to eat fast food, or to be trendy because they are eating said food.
As children, KFC was a treat we got to have once a week during the weekend, or maybe even a lot less than that. But as adults, KFC is that one place where we go to eat because there is decadent shit or just because we can’t think of anything better to eat. And instead of rich and savoury unhealthy flavours, this burger is a bland bag of disappointment.
Also, it’s KFC. Don’t expect too much apart from salt and oil 😂